Rakuten Product Listing and Management Services

If you are looking to grow your business and expand customer visibility, Magic Infomedia can help you to list your products on the Rakuten marketplace which is known as Buy.com also. We offer end-to-end Rakuten product listing services and enlist your products catalog along with your versatile business information when we maintain accuracy. Our team of experts has excellent skills to create product listings for new stock-keeping units (SKUs) on the Rakuten marketplace.

Our eCommerce experts regularly update and manage the Rakuten marketplace product catalog across several verticals like health and beauty, home and garden, pet supplies, office supplies, consumer electronics, toys, clothing, jewelry, etc. Our product data listing professionals at Magic Infomedia can successfully manage the custom product detail pages to ensure that the product information is up-to-date and accurate. We provide SEO-friendly final results with product pages details, higher return on investment, and increase sales with improved customer visibility. We help our clients in sorting and uploading products to manage back-office tasks of the store including order processing, inventory management, and live support.

End-To-End Rakuten Product Catalog Management Services

Here at Magic Infomedia, there’s a lot to offer when it comes to Rakuten product catalog management services. Here’s the list of the services that we provide-

Create Rakuten Feed – If you want to add the latest products on the Rakuten marketplace, we can help you to manage things such as listing ID, product ID, brand name, product type, Manufacturer Part Number, price, description, etc.
Edit Product Image – Not just Rakuten recommended dimensions, 500X500 pixels, our experts take care of the product quality images as well. Our image editors always focus on the product’s image only.

Manage Product Category – Our professionals provide good exposure to your products that ensure your customers can find the product easily. We also create proper categories and subcategories and place your products accordingly.

Write Product Description – Our e-commerce content writers create informative and fresh product descriptions with essential SEO elements. Our professionals have experience in writing for varied products like apparel, furniture, electronics, etc.

Create Product Attributes – Our team of experts knows how to create attributes such as color, size, shape, weight, brand, material, style, etc. to provide relevant product details to customers. It helps them in making an informed buying decision.

Upload Bulk Product – You don’t need to worry if you want to upload thousands of products on the Rakuten marketplace. Our services to upload all your bulk products ensure timely upload and high accuracy.

Avail benefits from Our Rakuten Listing Services

At Magic Infomedia, we use the best methods and advanced technologies, to ensure that our best will be delivered to you. We offer bulk product upload services and our experts cross-check all entries without any error. We make your business benefit in many other ways. Some essential benefits are as follows:

  • We offer assurance of accuracy to our Rakuten product listing services that allow our clients to focus on other more important aspects of business without worrying about product quality.
  • Through our efficient Rakuten data listing and entry services, we update your store quickly with new products and related details.
  • We also cross-check all product entries with accuracy, you can not alter products in your store.
  • We use advanced methods and technologies to attract more and more business sales.
  • With our Rakuten order and inventory management services, you will never miss out on confirmed orders when we manage and update your inventory.


This organization did a miracle in product listing jobs with zero defects on shopping carts. Now, we have a strong user engagement in-store. Thanks to Magic Infomedia!

avatarJoel F., New York, United States

Our business is relying on quality images but we have no dedicated team for complex photo editing tasks.
Thanks for outsourcing your skilled professional team for us.

Image 6Andrew Moore, New York, United States

Your image editing team did a marvelous job for me. I am feeling barrier less due to your 24*7 support services. I hope to continue our relationship in the upcoming days.

Image 2Milton Bob , New York, United States